The module containing all MPI classes and constants
Returns a double precision floating-point number that is the time in seconds
since some arbitrary point of time in the past. The point is guaranteed
not to change during the lifetime of the process.
C equivalent: MPI_Wtime()
Returns a double precision floating-point number that is the time in seconds
between successive ticks of the clock.
C equivalent: MPI_Wtick()
Returns true if MPI has been initialized. (Note that because of the
runtime system of MPI Ruby, this will always return true.)
C equivalent: MPI_Initialized()
Returns the processor name of the current processor.
C equivalent: MPI_Get_processor_name()
MPI.dims_create(nnodes, dims)
Returns an array containing cartesian dimensions suitable for use with
MPI::Comm#cart_create(). nnodes is an integer specifying the total
number of processes. The array dims should have length equal to
the desired number of dimensions and should contain integers. If an entry
i in dims is positive, the i-th entry in the returned
array will be precisely dims[i]. If dims[i] is 0, the
corresponding entry in the returned array will be determined by the
method. A negative entry in dims is incorrect.
C equivalent: MPI_Dims_create()
An opaque value that is used by various methods to specify that a value is
Contact Emil Ong about issues concerning this page.